
2008/06/05 at 3:28 | Posted in ..自閉日記, music | 4 Comments

好多 live(香港來講算多囉~)

24/7 Stereophonics
30/7 Travis
12/8 Panic! at the Disco


10/6  別了家駒十五載…海闊天空音樂會
30/6 let’s fight III


4-5/7 collected monsters 08 (hk indies)

panic! and the disco 放棄,travis 和 stereophonics還是應該看的。
但現在最緊張的是 X 的 live是否成事(一定要成啊,お願い! 祈り! )。說法還是很多….心急死人…韓國也搞定了..好像….不妙…?
成事的話買票也要煩,還有,錢呢 ? 下周還要交學費…
要儲 live 基金,現在什麼freelance也接了。喂,大家有job 請彈過來吖唔該 !!

p.s. miya 原來用hello kitty 咖啡壺 XDD (ok, it’s not relevant at all….)
pps 好想食珍珍薯片……一開始工作就想食零食….



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  1. sighing….i love travis…
    almost half as how much i love mucc *lol*

    it would be so nice if they can come round to australia as well.

  2. half as much as you luv mucc, that means a lot, i know 😀
    wish you can catch them someday, and sooner the better!

  3. I got all excited to just believe that’s Miya’s kitchen. Because unfortunately I don’t know Japanese.

  4. hi~tokalam~
    it’s a little difficult to believe indeed, miya and kittyちゃん!
    but then it’s a birthday present from member (he didn’t say from whom, but its just the thing Yukke would do, don’t you think so?

    and the new starmucks would be a perfect match with the kitty pot (pink & ribbons!) if it’s not broken! alas! poor miya!

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